13 X 30 HD
Mariko Izumi
Growing up in a world built around fishing, Mariko knew that the core values she lived by weren’t shaped by chance. They were taught, learned, lost, and regained all on the water. After 7 years of travelling the world while fishing and hosting her TV show “Hookin’ Up” it was time for Mariko to start a new chapter and instill the same lessons and experiences, that were once shown to her, to the next generation. Now, the mom of two young kids of her own is starting a new chapter - Mariko is inviting audiences to see how a chaotic world can be made peaceful by simply learning how to pick up a fishing rod and spending time with people you love. In this 13 episode TV series, we experience Mariko visiting guides and new fishing locations all around British Columbia and Ontario, Canada; Costa Rica and the U.S, as she brings her children along for all the life lessons.
Categories: Fishing / Outdoor